Celeritas is excited to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has examined and formally issued a notice of allowance as a patent the invention known as the Public Awareness Manager.

"We're thrilled the USPTO has reached this conclusion and the PAM patent will serve as a tremendous asset and benefit to Celeritas customers for a long time," commented Brett Lester, Celeritas president. "Additionally, the patent will allow Celeritas to protect its intellectual property and expand on its web-based geographic information systems that support the energy marketplace."
The Public Awareness Manager was originally put into production back in 2003. Over 500 pipeline companies and thousands of individual users access the system from all across the country in support of energy related regulatory and compliance activities. The PAM now acts as the centerpiece for a number of complimentary GIS systems that support energy companies compliance activities dealing in large part with RP 1162 and CFR 49 parts 192 and 195.
Celeritas is especially happy that despite a recent legal decision that went against the company, the USPTO sided with Celeritas in acknowledging its invention and awarding this patent.
Source: Damage Prevention PROfessional- Fall 2010
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